New Arrivals

Martin Chambi, "Machu Picchu - Cusco"

Martín Chambi – The sacred Incan citadel, Machu Picchu

One of the richest and most fascinating architectural sites globally is in a valley near Cuzco, Peru. It is the Incan citadel of Machu Picchu. Machu Picchu has fascinated the multitudes with its glorious past. Why it existed, how it was built into the valley, and why it was suddenly abandoned all add to its mystery. One of the site’s most vital and early visual records was made by one of the greatest Peruvian photographers, Martín Chambi.

Albert Watson, Darth Vader, the Original Full Costume, ‘Star Wars,’ New York City, 2005

Watson the Inventive Photographer, Lucas the Inventive Filmmaker

In a 2005 issue of Rolling Stone magazine, with an interview titled The Cult of Darth Vader, made after the last release of the new Star Wars trilogy, George Lucas looks back at one of the greatest movie villains of all time, Darth Vader. Albert Watson was commissioned to photograph the costume, and one of the resulting pictures became the issue’s cover.