Elliott Erwitt, St. Tropez, France, 1959

JUNE 29 – AUGUST 24, 2024

“Summer Snapshots” is more than just an exhibition; it’s an immersive experience that transports viewers to the heart of summer. Through the eyes of these master photographers, the exhibition explores the multifaceted nature of the season—its light, its warmth, its spontaneity, and its beauty. Each photograph is a testament to the timeless allure of summer, inviting viewers to bask in the glow of sunlit moments and rediscover the joy of the season.

Step into a world where summer’s vibrant energy and warmth are captured through the lens of some of the most iconic photographers of our time. “Summer Snapshots” is a photography exhibition that showcases the works of Arthur Elgort, Bruce Weber, Elliott Erwitt, Jim Lee, Lawrence Schiller, Norman Parkinson, Rodney Smith, and Terry O’Neill. Each artist brings their unique perspective to the timeless allure of summer, immortalizing moments of joy, leisure, and sun-drenched beauty.

Arthur Elgort – Known for his candid and spontaneous style, Arthur Elgort captures the carefree spirit of summer. His images often feature vibrant outdoor scenes, highlighting the playful and relaxed atmosphere that summer brings. Elgort’s work invites viewers to revel in the simplicity and joy of warm, sunlit days.

Bruce Weber – Bruce Weber’s iconic black-and-white photography exudes a timeless elegance, capturing the sensuality and beauty of summer. His portraits and fashion photography often feature sun-kissed bodies and natural settings, evoking a sense of nostalgia and classic summer allure.

Elliott Erwitt – Renowned for his ability to find humor and charm in everyday moments, Elliott Erwitt’s summer photographs are no exception. Erwitt’s keen eye for the whimsical and absurd brings a delightful lightness to the exhibition, capturing the playful spirit of summer in candid and unexpected ways.

Jim Lee – Jim Lee’s dynamic and imaginative photography captures the excitement and energy of summer. His bold and vibrant images often blur the lines between fashion and art, bringing a modern and edgy perspective to the season’s vibrancy.

Lawrence Schiller – Lawrence Schiller’s work is a testament to the glamour and allure of summer. Known for his celebrity portraits and photojournalism, Schiller’s summer photographs often feature iconic figures and moments, capturing the essence of the season’s star-studded appeal.

Norman Parkinson – With his sophisticated and glamorous approach, Norman Parkinson’s photography captures the elegance and style of summer. His images often feature high fashion set against picturesque summer backdrops, blending beauty, and luxury with the season’s natural charm.

Rodney Smith – Rodney Smith’s surreal and whimsical photographs bring a dreamlike quality to the exhibition. His meticulously composed images often feature quirky and imaginative scenes, infusing summer with a sense of magic and wonder.

Terry O’Neill – Terry O’Neill’s iconic portraits of celebrities and cultural figures are infused with the relaxed and carefree vibe of summer. His work captures intimate and candid moments, offering a glimpse into the personal and playful side of his famous subjects during the sunniest time of the year.

“Summer Snapshots” is more than just an exhibition; it’s an immersive experience that transports viewers to the heart of summer. Through the eyes of these master photographers, the exhibition explores the multifaceted nature of the season—its light, its warmth, its spontaneity, and its beauty. Each photograph is a testament to the timeless allure of summer, inviting viewers to bask in the glow of sunlit moments and rediscover the joy of the season.