It was 1996, 16 years before Stephen Wilkes actually began shooting his Day to Night series, when the idea of capturing changing moments in time was planted in his mind.
Photo London 2022 (5/11-5/15) – Arthur Elgort, David Yarrow, Frank Horvat, Harry Benson, Horst P. Horst, Lawrence Schiller, Melvin Sokolsky, Ormond Gigli, William Klein, Bruce Weber, Diane Arbus, Barbara Cole, Flip Schulke, Karen Knorr, Jim Lee, Terry O’Neill
Embark on a journey through the bustling streets of global metropolises with Xan Padron’s Time Lapse series. Discover the evolution of his street photography, influenced by iconic photographers like Cartier-Bresson and the rhythm of his past life as a professional musician. Explore the sociological depth of his work, capturing the essence of urban life in mesmerizing compositions that reveal the collective identity of the places he portrays.
HAPPY 75TH BIRTHDAY SIR ELTON JOHN! And who better to immortalize Elton John than the legendary photographer Terry O’Neill? Terry O’Neill created the iconic images of so many illustrious celebrities of the 20th century.
“I am particularly drawn to Michael Eastman’s Abstract Wall #2, Havana 2000. Michael Eastman’s Abstract Wall #2, Havana 2000, illustrates Castro’s Communist strangulation of bourgeois, European architecture, and local voices in Cuba’s cultural history.
Jan Groover is best remembered as one of the first proponents of both painterly color photography and table top constructions.
There were few twentieth-century celebrities more legendary than Frank Sinatra. He was one of the most accomplished and revered American entertainers to make a lasting impact on the country’s history.