Mads Christensen

Mads Christensen has cultivated his creative prowess to create visual and emotional experiences using light as medium. Trained as an electrical engineer, the sculptures are a fusion of his uniquely written software and the intangible qualities of his artist practice. Following in the footsteps of groundbreaking artists exploring this medium such as James Turrell, Doug Wheeler, Dan Flavin, and Olafur Eliasson, Christensen is recognized by collectors and museum professionals as possessing vast and palpable creativity, technical expertise and visual sophistication to perpetuate this fascinating evolution of light as art.

Artist statement: I am inspired by light. And how can we not be inspired by light? The sun is the source of energy for everyone and everything in existence. We all pause for a minute to take in the sunset, or take a deep breath when the sun rises above the horizon as a new day begins. The transitions between day and night, and night and day, are deeply meaningful to us on a basic existential level, a direct emotional connection to our brains. In our modern lives we have come to depend less on these transitions but they are still ingrained in us. The sun existed long before we were here and will continue to emit its abundant energy long after we are gone. To me the sun represents eternity and I see it as the only constant in our being. The sun is the ultimate time keeper. This is why I am compelled to use light as medium incorporating temporal elements. My work pulls from these fundamental entities, expressing light and time in new ways that remind us where we all came from.

Photography & Works